The Medical Council of New South Wales 1

A 14 Jul 2015 update: Having not even received an acknowledgement of receipt of our email sent to Dr Kesby on 6 Jul 2015, we sent him a further letter by email today saying:-

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A 5 Jul 2015 post

Dr Jassim Daood, a NSW doctor in his mid 50s, after a scratchy career, mainly, in recent years, as a GP practicing in the area of detoxification , in which, amongst other things, he was reprimanded and conditions imposed on him by the NSW authorities, including that he no longer provide treatment for opioid adddiction – see this Health Care Complaints Commission media release – is suddenly announced in a flashy website as having had a 27 year glorious career as an absolutely marvellous cosmetic surgeon, specialising in just about everything, with all sorts of heavyweight qualifications, two in particular – that he is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh and a member of the American College of Cosmetic Surgeons. But, as well as all the problems with his other claims, when these two organisations are emailed, (which we’ve done twice,) they say they can’t find anything to support his claims!!! So, in view of the fact that, on the face of it, Dr Daood’s claims are false and misleading, we’ve emailed the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission about this and they’ve come back with what boils down to saying that, “The people of NSW have to realise that we know best – the two lots of emails you’ve got  from the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh and the American College of Cosmetic Surgeons should be ignored as Dr Daood really does have the heavyweight qualifications he claims, and furthermore the Medical Council of NSW supports us in our claims that we know best.”

Some readers may think this is a hoax, that we are “pulling their legs.” But no, this is for real!!

This lead us to sending this email to Dr Greg Kesby, the Medical Council’s President, on 6 Jul 2015. As you can see, it concludes with this:-

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