Dr Stanley Levy Neurologist

What are we to make of this?

Certain things we’ve heard lately from our readers and others that we’ve experienced ourselves have made us wonder, “Are there “kickbacks” going on here?” And then, in doing some research on Dr Levy, we came across this article starting with this.

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We’ve not been able to find anything more on the matter.

And then we find that the Neurologist, Dr Stanley Levy, who now practices at Campbelltown, NSW, is a South African doctor who left South Africa and came to Australia in 2004 – at least according to AHPRA. And now he has four 10 out of 10 ratings on the RateMDs.com website which seem to be saying that he is amongst the best doctors who’s ever lived.


Over to you Dr Levy. We’d love to know the truth. And we’d certainly add to this post anything he might have to say.

We’d email him but we can’t find an email address for him – or even an email form or fax number!

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