A 2 Jul 2015 update: We are absolutely flabbergasted that anyone would think of using Dr Daood, even for a nanosecond – but then it seems that flashy websites with lots of pictures of half naked girls and claims about ones self that are completely over the top, many of them demonstrably false and misleading, work with some people. We would love to discuss some of Dr Jaood’s claims with him, but he doesn’t seem interested.
Our 30 Jun 2015 post.
False and misleading advertising by doctors is, of course, rampant, and you could hardly get a better example of this than this.
On 6 Mar a perusal of Dr Daood’s website showed that he claimed to be:-
- A fellow of the “Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh/United Kingdom)” – but when we emailed them, they said they had no record of anyone with that name.
- A “member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgeons” – but a search of their website failed to locate anyone with that name.
- A “Fellow of the European Academy of Cosmetic Surgeons” – but there doesn’t appear to be any way of contacting them by email or otherwise to find out who’s a Fellow and who isn’t.
So we sent a letter by email to Dr Daood about this, on 9 Mar 2015, asking for his comment – it was never even acknowledged, let alone replied to.
Something that made the Dr Daood story particularly unusual was that it appeared that for many years he had been pursuing a career as a GP in detoxification – use this link to see how his background in Australia since 1997 is described in proceedings before the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission – in which capacity he had been strongly criticised by the HCCC – see this media release dated 20 Feb 2015 in which he is described as a “general practitioner” – but now he was being represented on his very own website as having had a brilliant career in cosmetic surgery for 27 years as perhaps the greatest cosmetic surgeon who had ever lived specialising in just about everything.
So we sent a letter by email to the head of the HCCC, Kieran Pehm, on 14 Mar 2015, thinking that he may be interested in, perhaps even concerned, about this – when will we ever learn!!?? Somewhat to our surprise this letter was treated as a personal complaint by us about Dr Daood. And the outcome of this complaint? Well you can see it for yourself by using this link.
In brief it explained that Dr Daood had presented the “relevant documentation” to both the HCCC and the Medical Council of New South Wales that had convinced everybody that he was indeed a Fellow of the “Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh/United Kingdom),” was indeed a “member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgeons,” and was indeed a Fellow of the European College of Cosmetic Surgeons.
And what was that “relevant documentation?” Well that was going to remain the HCCC’s, the Medical Council’s and Dr Daood’s little secret – well away from the people of New South Wales.
As you can see, they say:-
So we have their sympathies – whoopee!
We’re always saying that we’re best advised to keep away from doctors unless they pass the “squeaky clean” test – we’re not sure that Dr Daood does this.