AHPRA the Australian Health Practioner Regulation Authority 4

The real concern about organisations like AHPRA, in addition to how totally ineffective they are, is that it would appear that no matter how much black and white evidence is gathered about their ineffectiveness nothing is going to change and there’s nothing you and I can do about it.

Modern technology is making it increasingly possible to gather such evidence, but it could be shown that hundreds of complaints were lodged with AHPRA about Dr Surinder Parhar, the doctor behind the events described by it’s CEO, Martin Fletcher, as “tragic,” all of them dealt with ineffectively, but there’s no one with the power to do anything about it who seems to even care.

Can anyone imagine NSW Premier Baird or NSW Health Minister Jillian Skinner lifting a finger to do anything about shortcomings in the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission which are verging on corruption? Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

info@questionsmisc.info is our email address and questions and feedback are welcome.

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AHPRA the Australian Health Practioner Regulation Authority 3

We never cease to be amazed at the number of things we come across that leave us absolutely flabbergasted – and none more so than this part of this article:-

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The fact is that the present situation is 99% the fault of the Martin Fletchers of this world, and their organisations. But Martin Fletcher says:-

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He almost brings tears to our eyes when he talks about the “tragic events” in Bacchus Marsh – and then who does he blame? You and I – potential whistle blowers! It’s never AHPRA! This when the “gap” in the health system is organisations like his AHPRA. He talks about the “culture of reluctance to speak out” – nothing about the “culture of being completely and utterly useless” that permeates AHPRA.

Our guess would be there would have been dozens who told AHPRA about their “concerns.” But we’ll never know the truth, because every trick in the book is used to keep information about this sort of thing secret. And there would be ten times as many who would have thought, “What’s the use?” – and justifiably!

We gave up years ago trying to get anywhere with AHPRA, finding them indescribably useless.

To us it’s a despicable insult to good ordinary people to suggest that they wouldn’t complain more if it did any good, and that they are complaining and it’s doing some good. Martin Fletcher’s claims are ludicrous, clearly designed to divert attention from the shortcomings of organisations like his AHPRA. Far from under-reporting being the problem, a shortage of people prepared to report their concerns, the number of people reporting their concerns would double and triple if organisations like AHPRA were half decent organisations to report their concerns to, and under people like Martin Fletcher, the chances of AHPRA becoming half decent are nil, nix, non-existent.

If Martin Fletcher can ever point to even one complaint that’s been handled properly, or, if any of our readers can let us know the details of one of their complaints that was handled half decently, we may start to think that he has an ounce of decency and sincerity in him. Till then!

The irony is that the Martin Fletchers of this world are on fat salaries, get fat pensions for life when they retire and get awards from the Queen for their services to medical administration.

Do politicians and governments ever care? We’ve never found any who do.

info@questionsmisc.info is our email address and questions and feedback are welcome.

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Getting copies of your “health records and information” from NSW doctors 6

We’ve found that, in relation to this, that it almost shocks some doctors that you should have the slightest concern about how to get them  – they simply say, “You just have to ask for them!”

Our experience with Dr Brett Fritsch, knee surgeon today, was typical of those with these doctors. We sent him a letter by email asking:-

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Within 4 minutes we had an answer.

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Use this link to see the correspondence in full.

At the other end of the spectrum are doctors who make it extremely difficult, if not impossible, for you to get your copies – like Dr Andrew Brooks, Urologist. Our understanding is that the NSW Privacy Commissioner is supposed to help in such situations, but, even with over three months of help from her, one of our readers is still to get some of his copies that he first started asking Dr Brooks for nearly seven months ago. Of course, Dr Brooks seems to be such a complete and utter scoundrel that no doubt he thinks he has things to hide.

We’ve given Dr Brooks every opportunity to answer some of the allegations about him, but he doesn’t seem interested. It seems as though he just wants to get as much money together as he can as quickly as he can, so he can retire.

info@questionsmisc.info is our email address and questions and feedback are welcome.

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Dr Andrew Brooks Urologist 4

It’s 3 months today since, on 7 Aug 2015, we started writing to Dr Elizabeth Coombs, the NSW Privacy Commissioner, seeking to get her help to get copies of one of our readers’ health records and information from Dr Andrew Brooks – copies which under the Health Records & Information Privacy Act, 2002, he’s entitled to by law.

To view the correspondence in detail, use this link.

And, as at 7 Aug 2015, it had been more than three and a half months since the reader had started emailing Dr Brooks, in April 2015, to get the copies – emails that had been completely ignored.

And he’s still waiting to get all of the copies!!!

With some help from Dr Coombs, he’d got SOME of the copies, but, one very important copy, in particular, was still missing – no doubt because Dr Brooks feels that it would weaken his position to supply it if legal action was to be taken against him.

That’s what Dr Brooks is like to deal with, readers. If he was a half decent, half honest, half proper doctor, our reader would have had ALL the copies within a few days of the 22 Apr 2015.

And if Dr Coombs had been half competent in those three months it might also have been a different story – about which more later.

info@questionsmisc.info is our email address and questions and feedback are welcome.

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The Australian Medical Association

On 28 Sep 2015, we sent a letter by email to Dr Brian Owler, the President of the Australian Medical Association which seemed harmless enough – we asked if there was anyone “within the medical profession” to whom those who had had a horrible experience with a doctor could address their concerns?

We got an email back from a Jodette Kotz on 14 Oct 2015, which was just silly – it didn’t answer our question at all. She said she’d been asked by Dr Owler to answer our letter, but all she did was refer us to the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission, as though we wouldn’t have known about it.

We immediately wrote back saying that our question was about anyone “within the medical profession?”

Three weeks and one day later, not having heard anything, we emailed a further letter to Dr Owler which included this paragraph:-

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But Dr Owler had decided to block emails form our email address so they didn’t get through to him!

You may view this correspondence in detail by using this link.

In other words, we emailed a letter to Dr Owler asking him a simple question, the answer to which might have indicated his organisation’s interest or otherwise in the welfare of patients, resulting in us getting back an email from one of his underlings a couple of weeks later, which, while it purported to be a response, didn’t answer our question at all, and when we sent back another letter saying, “Hey! You havn’t answered our question,” which, when we hadn’t heard from him  in over three weeks, we chased up with him, but found that letters emailed fromm our email address were blocked and didn’t get through to him.

Firstly, this indicates that with the AMA it’s what we’ve always found in organisations like this, that they are NEVER interested in or concerned about the welfare of actual patients, despite the pompous clams they make to the contrary – they’re all the same!

Secondly that Dr Owler and his underlings must think that we are still in the last century – these days, the “look” which their actions convey, which many may think is not a very good “look,” can so easily be conveyed to the whole world by means of the wonders of modern technology.

It’s SO typical of the Brian Owlers of this world, that, when you make things at all difficult for them, which we haven’t really done in this instance, that they “shut up shop” and block your emails.

info@questionsmisc.info is our email address and questions and feedback are welcome.

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We have a dream 1

And that is that whenever we have a problem there’s an ordinary email address we can use to access the the best experts in the world and the best information in the world to help us with it.

Two things are already true, obviously.

Firstly, that whatever problem we have, there are one or two or three people in the whole wide world who know more about it than anyone else.

Secondly, that modern technology makes it simple to access these people and their knowledge.

We already have an email address like that for some problems, unfortunately not medical problems. For many years now we have been using Tiger Technologies to host our websites and blogs and whenever we have a problem that they may be able to help us with, we email them – they acknowledge our emails straight away, and certainly within 24 hours we have an answer, which is often incredibly helpful.

As a very current example, we emailed them at 10.18 am this morning with a problem, and within 8 minutes, i.e. by 10.26 am, we had an answer, and, while our problem was a bit away from their areas of expertise, their answer was incredibly helpful in telling us what to do next.

Tiger Technologies are based somewhere in the US – we don’t know where and we don’t care where.

Our dream is that we all have lots of ordinary email addresses like that, because we believe they are the secret to our success in our personal and work lives.

This especially applies to medical problems.

For instance, we believe that when someone has the problem we’ve outlined here, there should be an ordinary email address that can be used to access the best help.

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We emailed it to two Sydney Geriatricians on behalf of a reader 5 days ago, asking if helping someone with this problem was within their areas of expertise, and, if not, if there was any one else they could recommend – so far they haven’t even acknowledged our emails!

We read once that someone had said that, “Whatever technology enables, happens.” We hope so. So far we’re a million miles away from the world we dream of, but we’re working on it.

info@questionsmisc.info is our email address and questions and feedback are welcome.

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The Information and Privacy Commission New South Wales

One of our readers started correspondence with Dr Elizabeth Coombs, the NSW Privacy Commissioner, on 7 Aug 2015, complaining that a particular doctor wasn’t providing him with copies of his health records and information, in accordance with the law.

To cut a long story short, the doctor did mail him copies of SOME of his health records and information, but not of a particular document he needed.

So subsequently a letter was emailed to Dr Coombs, on 23 Sep 2015, the main paragraph of which was:-

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On the 30 Sep 2015, he got back a reply which included:-

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He was flabbergasted! His letter had been completely misread. He hadn’t said he’d received “further copies” at all.

So he immediately sent back a letter saying:-

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And despite him sending her a further letter on 9 Oct 2015 saying he still needed  help – still, on 27 Oct 2015, nothing.

Time and again you get responses from people at AHPRA, the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission, the Medical Council of NSW, and now the Information and Privacy Commission New South Wales, when you’d expect better from school children.


And there’s not a damn thing you can do about it because no one cares – least of all the Elizabeth Coombs of this world.

If you had the option you wouldn’t continue dealing with these organisations for a second – but they are Government monoplies.

info@questionsmisc.info is our email address and questions and feedback are welcome.

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Doctors & emails 2

To us, there are now two worlds.

There’s the New World of people and organisations who have ordinary email addresses readily available and who allocate the resources necessary to provide timely and helpful replies to reasonable emails sent to them.

And there’s the Old World, and this particularly applies to doctors and their organisations, of those who either don’t have ordinary email addresses readily available, or, if they do, don’t respond to emails sent to them.

It’s our ambition to only deal from here on with those in the New World, for three reasons.

Firstly, they seem to be much better to deal with than those who don’t – we’ve found this time and time again.

Secondly, because it indicates that they’re “into” communication – many doctors don’t come over as being “into” communication even in face to face consultations.

Thirdly, they are much more likely to stand behind what they do and say – again we’ve found this time and time again.

info@questionsmisc.info is our email address and questions and feedback are welcome.

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Dr Brian Owler Neurosurgeon

On 28 Sep 2015, we sent Dr Owler, President of the Australian Medical Association, a letter by email asking whether there was anyone within the medical profession to whom complaints about a bad doctor could be addressed.

On 14 Oct 2015, we got a letter back from a Ms Jodette Kotz an AMA Senior Policy Adviser, that filled a full A4 page, telling us about the Health Care Complaints Commission, (as though we would have never heard of the Health Care Complaints Commission,) but not answering our question at all.

We immediately sent back a letter, with a copy to Dr Owler, pointing out that our question hadn’t been answered – which has been ignored.

Brian Owler would think he’s so smart having Ms Kotz answering our email in this way, when, in fact he and Ms Kotz are both making fools of themselves.

The answer is, of course, that there is NO ONE within the medical profession to whom complaints about a bad doctor can be addressed.

No wonder, as we’ve commented on before, a retired judge, in addressing 1200 doctors, told them:-

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info@questionsmisc.info is our email address and questions and feedback are welcome.

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Western Urology Dr Andrew Brooks’ practice

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Dr Brooks has an ordinary email address on his website, but like many doctors, he doesn’t answer emails sent to him, at least by his patients. But Dr Brooks is different in that he claims there’s a perfectly good reason for this – he doesn’t get them. He’s so sneaky that he has an email set up so that it detects when an email is from a patient and screens it out – not that there’s anything on his website to warn his patients of this. At least this is what he told the NSW Privacy Commissioner when one of his patients complained to her that Dr Brooks had been blatantly breaking the law by ignoring a number of email requests made to him over a number of months for copies of health records.

But we think he’s lying, for two reasons. Firstly, when an email was sent to him by a patient which involved some money for Dr Brooks, it was acknowledged and responded to VERY promptly indeed. And secondly, when some technical people were asked whether it was possible for an ordinary email address to be set up in the way he claimed, they couldn’t stop laughing.

And despite new requests being made by fax and “snail mail” – the methods Dr Brooks has stipulated – he’s still refusing to provide copies of some health records.

So, readers, that’s what it’s like dealing with Dr Brooks. Hopefully doctors like this can be avoided like the plague.

info@questionsmisc.info is our email address and questions and feedback are welcome.

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